Elisa Castle
Elisa is a Virginia-born architect for a small firm in Southern England... or rather she was. She's now found herself, instead, a soon-to-be second-grader once more. To say that she's having trouble coping with this is like saying that the London Eye is a larger-than-average ferris wheel.
Carl (C.J.) Styles
A pharmacist, husband, and father of two girls, Carl was a bit shocked to discover one morning previous 24 years of his life had completely vanished and he was again a six-year-old. Generally optimistic and enthustiastic, he's taken it in stride and is looking forward to the opportunities it presents.
Marianne Castle
Mari, Elisa's mother, is a Calculus teacher are the local high school and a lover of classic literature and faerie tales. She's noticed the drastic changes in her daughter's behaviour, but has yet to scratch the surface, let alone get to the bottom of, the problem.
David Castle
Elisa's father and the owner of Donut Castle, the largest independent donut shoppe in the area, David is a shrewd businessman and pragmatist. While he hardly understands his young daughter, he is at a complete loss as to why she's suddenly begun to refuse to say more than two words to him at a time.
Andrew Styles
Carl's father and Mari's younger brother, Andy was a latecomer to the Hippie and Jesus movement, but retains his ardent pacifism and general liberal attitude towards life. A mechanical engineer by trade.
Denise Styles
Denise, Carl's older sister, is ten, and like many ten-year-olds, assumes that she's actually 20. List of things she finds disgusting: Carl, Elisa, Carl, her mother's sense of humour, Carl, bugs, Carl, fish, and Carl.
Samantha Styles
Sam is Carl's mother and an otolaryngologist. She's hoping to join a private practice soon now that both of her children are in school. Absent-minded at times, and prone to bawdy humour.

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All comics, artwork, characters copyright © 2012 Gerald Cox